In 2019, South Australians came together to celebrate the epic flight story and inspire a new generation. You can download the EFC2019 Year in Review as a PDF document to see the extraordinary array of events, activities and exciting announcements that unfolded throughout the year.
We are indebted to the following individuals and organisations for the pivotal role they played in bringing this story back into the light.
Formed under the auspice of the History Trust of South Australia, the Epic Flight Centenary 2019 Committee brought together key stakeholder partners. Our committee comprised:
“The History Trust of South Australia is delighted to bring together a group of passionate, enthusiastic stakeholders to raise awareness about one of the world’s most awe-inspiring aviation feats – the first flight from England to Australia in 1919 by South Australian brothers Sir Ross and Sir Keith Smith. Supporting the Epic Flight Centenary 2019 is another way the History Trust contributes to our mission: ‘Giving the past a future – now!’.”
– History Trust of South Australia CEO Greg Mackie OAM, 2019
The EFC2019 Committee with patrons Sir Angas Houston and Dr Andy Thomas, second and third from right respectively.